

Juvenessence Medical Aesthetics Inner Office

In Pueblo, CO Consultations at Juvenessence Medical Aesthetics are a comprehensive service designed to assess your skin concerns and aesthetic goals. During your Consultation, a certified professional will evaluate your skin’s condition, review your medical history, and develop a personalized treatment plan. Whether you’re interested in wrinkle relaxers, skin rejuvenation, microneedling, or body contouring, the […]


Hair Restoration by Juvenessence Medical Aesthetics in Pueblo, CO

PRP Injections In Pueblo, CO Hair loss is a complex and difficult problem. Hormone imbalances play a part, and thus medications like minoxidil and finasteride can be helpful, as can restoring hormone balance with the help of a qualified physician. Not all hair loss responds to medications, however, and side effects and allergies can prevent […]

Radiofrequency Technology

Morpheus by InMode in Pueblo, CO

MORPHEUS8 by InMode In Pueblo, CO Age affects the skin in many ways. Over time, skin loses collagen, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles, sagging and laxity. The complexion loses its luster and begins to look dull. Years of sun exposure lead to discoloration, sun spots, age spots, and other blemishes and hyperpigmentation. Scarring or […]


Coolpeel By Juvenessence Medical Aesthetics in Pueblo, CO

CoolPeel Treatment In Pueblo, CO CoolPeel uses very brief laser pulses to deliver ablation without intense heat. The ‘Cool’ in CoolPeel refers to the fact that it does not create thermal damage to the skin. CoolPeel is a CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser treatment, using the SmartXide Tetra CO2 laser from renowned manufacturer DEKA, to create […]


Microneedling by Juvenessence Medical Aesthetics in Pueblo, CO

In Pueblo, CO MicroPen EVO is the latest FDA-approved medical-grade, automated microneedling Pen. The microneedling procedure is an advanced innovation in aesthetic medicine that treats skin acne, scars, and wrinkles and promotes skin rejuvenation. At Juvenessence, we use Microneedling technology totreat scarring and improve the skin texture. The MicroPen EVO microneedling device uses peptide serum […]

Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration by Juvenessence Medical Aesthetics in Pueblo, CO

Best Hair Restoration In Pueblo, CO Hair loss is a complex and difficult problem. Hormone imbalances play a part, and thus medications like minoxidil and finasteride can be helpful, as can restoring hormone balance with the help of a qualified physician. Not all hair loss responds to medications, however, and side effects and allergies can […]

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

BHRT by Juvenessence Medical Aesthetics in Pueblo, CO

In Pueblo, CO Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) embodies a personalized strategy employing hormones identical in structure to those naturally crafted by your body. Unlike their synthetic counterparts, bio-identical hormones stem from natural origins and are meticulously designed to align with your individual hormonal requirements. This exacting customization equips us to effectively address an array […]

IPL spot treatment

IPL Spot Treatment by Juvenessence Medical Aesthetics in Pueblo, CO

In Pueblo, CO Lumecca is a non-invasive treatment that uses powerful and harmless intense pulsed light (IPL), also known as photofacial or fotofacial, to effectively improve areas of hyperpigmentation, vascular lesions, and improve skin texture and tone overall. The Lumecca photofacial will help reduce age spots and reverse sun damage, leaving your skin with a […]

Wrinkle Relaxers

Wrinkle Relaxer by Juvenessence Medical Aesthetics in Pueblo, CO

Wrinkle Relaxing Treatment In Pueblo, CO Wrinkle Relaxers, including Botox, Dysport, and Jeuveau, are cosmetic treatments for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. These procedures temporarily relax the facial muscles that cause wrinkles, giving the skin a smoother, younger appearance. Common areas treated with Wrinkle Relaxers include the forehead, crow’s feet around the eyes, and frown […]

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